With us relying on the internet and online services more than ever in these times, it’s important to be aware of credential stuffing. Just recently 500 million Zoom accounts were stolen through credential stuffing and sold online. Credential stuffing is when hackers take credentials from a data breach on a service you have an account on, and then try those credentials on many other services. While you may have changed your password for the breached service, hackers are banking on the fact that you probably still use those same compromised credentials on other services. This is the most common way that online accounts are broken into these days. Here are some tips from Chris Hoffman on how to protect yourself against this: never reuse passwords, try to use a password manager, enable two-factor authentication whenever possible, and pay attention to any notices you receive regarding data breaches and password resets! For more information, feel free to check out the link below.
Source: What Is Credential Stuffing? (and How to Protect Yourself)