Abnormal Security, an email security company, has discovered a new phishing campaign targeting Office 365 users. Fake Zoom account suspension notifications are being sent out with a spoofed official Zoom email address. This fake notification will say that the suspension is because the user’s email hasn’t synced within 24 hours, and that they will not be able to join or invite to any calls/meetings until the account is reactivated. There is a button on the fake notification that says “Activate Account” that takes you to a fake Microsoft login page that will steal your Outlook credentials if you try to login. Scammers are collecting these Microsoft credentials to conduct Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams. BEC scams are becoming increasingly popular, and they have resulted in over $2.1 billion worth of losses since January 2014 according to the Internet Crime Complaint Center. For more information, feel free to check out the link below.
Source: Persuasive Office 365 phishing uses fake Zoom suspension alerts